11 May 2007

70 [Cover Art]

In the superb words of Brenda Uelan, "So you see, imagination needs moodling - long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering."

This is exactly what I'll be doing as time runs short on Harry. Deathly Hallows will be released on the twenty-first of July, in the year two thousand and seven. 'Tis an epic day.

Although the cover art was released 28 March, let's continue to "moodle" on it, as it is widely and terribley lovely in all the ways of Mary GrandPre.

(American cover by Mary GrandPre, who has illustrated all six previous Harry Potter books.)

Points to think on:

  • This is the first wraparound cover.
  • Harry and Voldemort, pictured on the full version of the cover, appear to be in a stadium of sorts, an open-air stadium surrounded by veiled figures in the back ground.
  • There is charred and broken rubble seen on the corners, and there appears to be a curtain, that is potentially THE Veil.
  • The colouration of the sky points to sunrise or sunset, and is strangely the same colour as the circle in the British version.
  • Harry is also wearing something around his neck, whether it be the locket or a pouch holding the locket.
  • Both Harry and Voldemort appear to be reaching for a thing, although they appear to be moving into eachother rather than away. It can be argued, however, that Voldemort is actually blocking something from flying into Harry's hand.
  • There are no wands, which suggests wandless magic.
  • Harry does not appear to have a scar, although it could be covered by hair, Mary GrandPre's scars have always been vivid red. Shadowing and hair can cover this, however.
  • Voldemort and Harry do make a confrontation, and Arthur Levine says rather obviously that this points to a particular section in the book. (Well, of course!) It is unkown whether this is the final confrontation, however, and it seems like there isn't enough ruckuss for that to be true.

The Veil Returns?

Could this be the mysterious veil from the Department of Mysteries? It is likely on more levels than one, although the Department of Mysterious is indoors. A closer look, however, could find that perhaps Voldemort and Harry find their way to the other side of the Veil.

The rubble that appears in the corners could suggest the Veil is broken, and would explain why those who fall into the Veil are gone forever. This could also be highly unlikely, but is a very interesting and intriguing way of thinking.

For futher listening, please subscribe to MuggleCast on iTunes or listen from their site. 'Tis the finest Harry Potter podcast around, and will surely "cover-cover" your cover needs. (thoughts of a potterhead is not affiliated at all with MuggleCast, just a large fangirl)

Days left: 70