23 May 2007

59 [Radio City Music Hall]

JKR's Radio City Music Hall's reading was amazing. Really.

60 [GinnyPotter]

I'm entirely partial to fanfiction, and GinnyPotter is one of the most comprehensive Harry Potter fanfiction communities. The fanfiction is just the half of it. GinnyPotter is an very active community, discussing the books, the movies, randomness, fanfiction, and fanart. Keeping up-to-date with a user-friendly set-up and helpful moderators and users, GinnyPotter is one of the friendliest and most mellow fanfiction sites.

They have a variety of fanfiction, from Alternate Universe to non-Harry Potter fanfiction, and a wide variety of discussion.

As a former member, I would suggest it. :0)

61 [Makani]

As one of the premier Harry Potter fanartists, Makani, or Heather Campbell, brings silliness and magic to all of her work. Predominantly a Death Eater artist, she is one of the most talented people on the Harry Potter scene. Along with several noteworthy artists, she brings quite a bit of fun to her work, humour that makes her excellent art easy on the eye and on the funny-bone. (Haha. Funny bone.)

The Harry Potter fandom would not be the same without Makani. She has changed Harry Potter with funnies and sillies and the Malfoys. As a necessary part of Harry Potter, Makani makes even the most Sirius things funny.

62 [Harmony]

Why can't we all get along?

I don't know in the slightest.

Harmonians are sadly still alive, even after Half-Blood Prince their claim is that Harry was broken up with Ginny at the end of The White Tomb, and Ron and Hermione were technically not together. Most assume that they will be, but those are the sane(ish) ones.

So the bad ship Harmony still insists on sailing with a hole in the bottom and a ripped sail. Figures, they are delusional.

63 [Laura Mallory]

We must even talk about the bad side of Harry Potter.

Laura Mallory.

This mother of four has not read the Harry Potter books, and is appealing (again) to remove the books from her school system, on accounts that they promote witchcraft and Wicca.

The Wiccans don't want Harry Potter.

Jo doesn't want the Wiccans.

And yet Christian extremists, if you will, insist that they are connected.

It's quite similar to that square/rectangle thing. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. All Wicca is magic, but not all magic is Wicca.

And Laura Mallory is an idiot.

64 [Lily Potter]

Was she an alchemist? Asks this week's MuggleCast episode 91. There are certain factors that prove Lily was an alchemist, and they seem to fit. JKR has yet to tell us what Lily and James' jobs were, and she says that there is an important fact about Lily to be discovered.

Could it be that Lily is an alchemist?

She was always good at potions, suggesting a possible career in potions, such as alchemy. She was obviously a very powerful witch, and this would explain why exactly Voldemort gave her so many chances to live. It is entirely possible that he would have taken her on as a Death Eater, or to use against the good side against her will. She was not, however, a Deathly Eater, says Jo.

On the note of Voldemort, it is also probably important to know how he was "thrice defied" by the Potters. While this may be simply in the situation of life and death, and that they got away three times, another idea is that Lily successfully made a Philosopher's Stone--she defied death.

16 May 2007

65 [Fanfiction]

"Fanfiction. More addicting than crack, and cheaper, too."

This is the number one law of life.

There isn't (or rather, there shouldn't be) anyone that claims to be a Potterhead and has not written or read fanfiction. To us, 'tis a way of life. To unwind after reading the books and to change the little details (who says Dumbledore dies?) to fit our stories. Fanfiction is a way to relax, enjoy yourself, and get a kick out of making characters not act like themselves.

In fact, to most, fanfiction represents a writing tool and a good time. With fanfiction, reading and reviewing are at your fingertips. Just a click away, Harry Potter fanfiction is rocking the Internet, with sites simply devoted to it and sites that have so much, they have had to split it up. The fanfiction community is a place where you can discuss, constructively criticize, and review what other people have written. And you're all there for a single task: Harry Potter fanfiction, our own background stories and twistings of the canon that let us get by while the sixty-five days comes to a short end.

66 [Triangle/Circle]

If you're uncertain, I mean this triangle/circle shape, which is featured on the spine of the United Kingdom Children's edition, on the top, for those of you who wanted to know this fact.

Seen bigger and in more clarity on Bloomsbury's Harry Potter website, this symbol is a very, very, very discussed symbol in the Harry Potter community.

Stuff We Have Thought Of:

Triangle + Circle + Line = Trinity + Eternity + Broken Or, in a blunt sense, the Trio is no more. In a more descriptive sense, these symbols each represent something (the triangle having THREE points, the circle NEVER ENDING, and the line BREAKING these two shapes).

Dumbledore's Tomb Or, in a blunt sense, this symbol is on Dumbledore's tomb. In a more descriptive sense...there is no other descriptive sense. Dumbledore's tomb is white marble.

Solomon's Key is a book. About ancient Egypt. Life and death. Amon Ra. Woot. (Ooh, Da Vinci Code moment, here. AMON L'ISA = Mona Lisa!!) C'est about life and death, which rings a bell with Harry Potter, eh?

Delta/Phi Or, a fancy Greek idea. "Delta" (which is a Greek letter, a TRIANGLE) apparently represents "change", or so was said on MuggleCast. "Phi" is the divine equality, yada yada more Dan Brown, which represents "life", in essence. Change in life. Whether this means death or Voldemort achieving immortality can be debated upon. Or if it means anything at all.

Delta/Phi Or, another Greek idea. Apparently, the Greek word for "Order" begins with a delta, and the Greek word for "Phoenix" begins with a "Phi". Which references Dumbledore's tomb again, as this may be inscribed upon it and such.

14 May 2007

67 [MuggleNet]

I am a MuggleNet fan. A die-hard, check-the-site-every-day, MuggleNet fan. I live off of that place, and it is the best site in the history of the universe. I love it.

You are either a MuggleNet person or a Leaky Cauldron person, and I am the former. Every day, I check the caption contest. Every day, I look at the news, even if it's a brief mentioning of Jo Rowling in a little town's newspaper.

MuggleNet rocks. It's truly the ULTIMATE Harry Potter site.

And that's the truth.

68 [Mirror Images]

Seven is the most mentioned number in Harry Potter, no surprise there. (Seven books, seven years, seven [sort-of] Horcruxes, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera) An interesting "seven" are the seven tasks Harry must go through in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which, in some ways, can mirror what has happened in the books.

Yes, I will explain, dear reader. Of course!

Task One
Philosopher's Stone Connection
Fluffy. (Fluffy is in Philosopher's Stone, lame, but it starts us off.)

Task Two
The Devil's Snare.
Chamber of Secrets Connection
In Chamber of Secrets, Harry must travel through an underground chamber, slimy and dangerous, just as is in the second task. Also, plants (Devil's Snare and the mandrake) are included in both.

Task Three
The keys.
Prisoner of Azkaban Connection
Prisoner of Azkaban relates directly to flight, escape, and elusion, and those three are major themes in the third task. Also, capture plays a large role, as well as searching for the right fit to the lock. In this case, the right fit was not Sirius, but Peter.

Task Four
The troll.
Goblet of Fire Connection
While this may not be a task, it pertains directly to the fourth book. In Goblet of Fire, Harry is aided tremendously by someone who does not appear as they seem. In the fourth book, it is Barty Crouch Jr., posing as Moody, who does much of Harry's work for him. In the task, it is Quirrel, as Voldemort's minion, who does much of Harry's work for him.

Task Five
The chess set.
Order of the Phoenix Connection
In the fifth volume of Harry Potter, much of the plot has to do with sacrifice and deciet, as is in chess. While Ron sacrifices himself to the "Queen", Harry is able to escape in the task. In the book, Sirius sacrifices himself to a woman who can be so called the "Queen", Bellatrix Lestrange, so that Harry can escape safely.

Task Six
The potion riddle.
Half-Blood Prince Connection
Snape! The potion's master.

Task Seven
Deathly Hallows Connection

12 May 2007

69 [Shipping]

“Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” Again I begin with a quote, this time coming from Alan Watts. Properly summing up love in general, Alan Watts has hit the nail on the head (or anvil, if you’d rather) about shipping.

I am a shipper. I am a proud and crazy Ron/Hermione shipper, and subsequently a Harry/Ginny shipper, and I stand defiant that these “ships” will sail.

But like the ages of pirates and line warfare have ended, the era of shipping is dwindling to a small end, a little fire still lit that is burning in the hearts of thousands (millions?) of people every day. But the fact of the matter is that J.K. Rowling has given us so many hints that the question of pairings are dying.

What was once a predominantly Harry/Hermione fandom, Harry Potter has grown to spawn the greater and more steadfast ships, the crazy crack pairings, the slightly bizarre but not totally out of the way, and the fanon pairings that sadly have taken over much of the fanfiction world.

The time for analyzing is now:

Harry/Hermione—is basically dead. As the great Emerson Spartz kindly put it, Harry/Hermione shippers, or rather, Harry/Hermione extremists, were “delusional”. He was, in fact, in that interview with J.K. Rowling herself, correct. I cringe as I imagine the still-existent Harry/Hermione shippers that may have stumbled upon my tiny spit of land. As Jo Rowling reiterated, Harry/Hermione was basically dead in Prisoner of Azkaban, but Viktor Krum in Goblet of Fire really pushed many Harmonians to convert to The Good Ship. Ron’s jealousy is ever-apparent in Goblet, and has since been in the other two books released.

Ron/Hermione—is the “Good Ship” that is ever-sailing. From the almost utter beginning, Ron/Hermione shippers have been the patient, wait-for-it-to-happen ones, the ones that will wait for apparent destiny. Their rivals, the Harmonians, were none too elated with the new front in the Harry Potter community when they joined in the ranks. The hero always gets the girl, eh? In all fantasies. But since when has Harry Potter been your average fantasy? (Never!) They still have yet to really uncover their feelings, but they seemed at least a little intimate in “The White Tomb.”

Harry/Ginny—the bold compatriot of The Good Ship, Emerald Fire has seen its fair share of good and bad days. Some thought Harry and Ginny were destined from the beginning. Those few had the good gift of foresight and were much better at Divination than Trelawney ever will be. While Ginny had gotten over her schoolgirl crush, it seemed like a good option that Harry would eventually feel the same. What d’ya know?

11 May 2007

70 [Cover Art]

In the superb words of Brenda Uelan, "So you see, imagination needs moodling - long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering."

This is exactly what I'll be doing as time runs short on Harry. Deathly Hallows will be released on the twenty-first of July, in the year two thousand and seven. 'Tis an epic day.

Although the cover art was released 28 March, let's continue to "moodle" on it, as it is widely and terribley lovely in all the ways of Mary GrandPre.

(American cover by Mary GrandPre, who has illustrated all six previous Harry Potter books.)

Points to think on:

  • This is the first wraparound cover.
  • Harry and Voldemort, pictured on the full version of the cover, appear to be in a stadium of sorts, an open-air stadium surrounded by veiled figures in the back ground.
  • There is charred and broken rubble seen on the corners, and there appears to be a curtain, that is potentially THE Veil.
  • The colouration of the sky points to sunrise or sunset, and is strangely the same colour as the circle in the British version.
  • Harry is also wearing something around his neck, whether it be the locket or a pouch holding the locket.
  • Both Harry and Voldemort appear to be reaching for a thing, although they appear to be moving into eachother rather than away. It can be argued, however, that Voldemort is actually blocking something from flying into Harry's hand.
  • There are no wands, which suggests wandless magic.
  • Harry does not appear to have a scar, although it could be covered by hair, Mary GrandPre's scars have always been vivid red. Shadowing and hair can cover this, however.
  • Voldemort and Harry do make a confrontation, and Arthur Levine says rather obviously that this points to a particular section in the book. (Well, of course!) It is unkown whether this is the final confrontation, however, and it seems like there isn't enough ruckuss for that to be true.

The Veil Returns?

Could this be the mysterious veil from the Department of Mysteries? It is likely on more levels than one, although the Department of Mysterious is indoors. A closer look, however, could find that perhaps Voldemort and Harry find their way to the other side of the Veil.

The rubble that appears in the corners could suggest the Veil is broken, and would explain why those who fall into the Veil are gone forever. This could also be highly unlikely, but is a very interesting and intriguing way of thinking.

For futher listening, please subscribe to MuggleCast on iTunes or listen from their site. 'Tis the finest Harry Potter podcast around, and will surely "cover-cover" your cover needs. (thoughts of a potterhead is not affiliated at all with MuggleCast, just a large fangirl)

Days left: 70

10 May 2007


Hello. For some reason, I can’t seem to really be bothered by the fact that no-one will come across my tiny speck of Internet. Frankly, I couldn’t care less whether you think I’m crazy or nutty or systematically challenged; I’m here to do the thing I do best: Wait. I’ve done a lot of waiting, nearly a decade in fact, and the end draws nigh on the brave Mr. Potter.

I’m here to record my own personal thoughts on The End. This is the last page of a huge chapter of my life, so much so that it’s truly “Part II” of the life and times of Twiggie. (The first part we don’t like to talk about too much here.) I’m here to write down exactly what’s happening for the Last Days, and I’m sure the apocalypse will come soon after.

Harry Potter is ending.

Truthfully, it will never, ever, ever, ever, ever-ever end, but, living now and feeling the undeniably happy feeling that I am part of this crazy fandom, it seems like the road stops after this. What will I do? How will I survive? What will I talk about? No matter what happens, I will always remain a true Harry Potter fan, one of the dedicated and insane Potterheads that made the Internet and the world what it is today. Don’t underestimate us. We’ll hit you with the whole 870 pages of Order of the Phoenix. Believe me. We’re rabid.

I’m here, in short, to detail the end of a live era. Sure, others will come across Harry, Hermione and Ron in later generations, but they will never feel the same. Be lucky. Go buy your own set of Harry Potter books if you haven’t already. These generations that can read this now, we are the Harry Potter Generation, the generation that lives and breathes in scarlet and gold, or however you’ve been sorted.

I’m here to tell you how great Harry Potter is, has been, and will be. I’m here to tell you to OPEN UP YOUR BOOK AND READ, FOR MERLIN’S SAKE!!!

Because you, dear reader and finder of my own corner of the universe, are special. You live in an epic time, and you are part of the Harry Potter generation, the story that rocked the confines of reading and children and literature to become much, much more than a book. Welcome to a phenomenon. I’m glad you’ve arrived. I’m here to say that this special. This is fantastic. This is Harry Potter, of course!

Care to join me?

Days left: 71